
Elements and Architectural Forms of Islamic style


1. "Islamic Architecture". Wikipedia. March 01, 2009 <>.

In this site, I got a lot of information on the specific architectural fors and styles of mosques and buildings as well as the elements that distinguishes a building/ structure to be of Islamic style.


Geometry in Islamic Architecture 


1. "Penrose Tiling". Wikipedia. March 04, 2009 <>.

In the site about Penrose Tiling i got a lot of information about the two different sets of patterns. I ended up using hte degree explanations for the rhombuses and the kite/darts in order to show the geometry incoroporated in the patterns. I used some pictures of the shapes as well.


2. Lu, Peter J. "Decagonal and Quasicrystalline Tilings in Medieval Islamic Architecture". March 04, 2009 <>.

For this site i used a lot of information on 1200 CE and how that was when girih tiles started being used. From there i also got the display of the strapwork method and how the five tiles from the girih grid could be seen in the artwork. This site also helped me understand the differences between quasi-periodic or what characteristics made something a self-simi


3. Lu, Peter J. "Decagonal and Quasicrystalline Tilings in Medieval Islamic Architecture". March 04, 2009 <>.

For this reference i mainly only used it to find pictures of real architectural patterns that had utilized the girih tiling.   


4. Zheng, Ser. "Quasi-Periodicity in Medieval and Islamic architecture and ornament". March 04, 2009 <>.

For this article i think i got most of my information from here. I got the explanations for the strapwork method and the girih tile method and why it had to be the girih becuase the strapwork would leave too many mistakes for a typical human. There were a lot of pictures that were useful to me as well.


5. "Penrose tiling". Encyclopedia. March 04, 2009 <>.

On the wikipedia site on penrose tiling i wrote about the defintion of penrose tiling. I also got what quasi-periodic tilings meant and how penrose tiling is considered aperiodic because each pattern is new the same.


6. "Girih Tiles". Wikipedia. March 04, 2009 <>.   

On the girih tiles there was informaiton on the five different kinds of tiles that made up the girih. I also used the explanation for each of them and how each side of one edge is the same as the other edge of another shape. I used the list of degrees from that site as well .


7. "ISLAMIC PATTERNS & GEOMETRY". March 04, 2009 <>.

Here i used where geometric, islamic, motifs are generally found in everyday life


8. Sakkal, Mamoun. "Star Ribbed Domes". March 04, 2009 <>.

I used this website for the explanation on how geometry is incorporated into the domes of the mezquita and many other architectural buildings. I also took a picture from the site, the one of for the 8 sided ribbed star that made the structure of the dome more balanced.  



Islamic contributions


1. Ahmad, Huma. "Muslim Contributions to Science, Philosophy, and the Arts". March 4, 2009 <>.

This site was really useful and easy to understand. It was very concise and got straight to the point. However, it didn't give a whole lot of details for what I was looking for.


2. "Islamic contributions to Medieval Europe". Wikipedia. March 4, 2009 <>.

The site was okay. It didn't give alot of detail like what I was looking for but it made a great connection for me between Muslims and Gothic Architecture.


Examples of Islamic Architecture 


1. "Alhambra Palace -Granada-Spain". Spanish Fiestas. March 4, 2009 <>.


This site was pretty informative of how this specific architectural building was seperated into.  However, only until half way through the research did I realize that it was a tourist/etc. site.  It provided me with the basic information necessary and that helped me alot when i was searching for information because I knew what to look up.


2."Alhambra ". Wikipedia. March 4, 2009 <"Alhambra Palace -Granada-Spain". Spanish Fiestas. March 4, 2009

Although wikipedia is not a very dependable site seeing as how any of the internet audience could edit the information on a whim.

